Course booking downloads
This page includes information about your course and directions to the venue. Please contact us if you have any difficulties in downloading or accessing this information.
Course information
Please select your course from the list below to start your download.
emergency first aid at work (EFAW)
First Aid at Work Requalification (FAW Requal)
Emergency First Aid at Work +F (Forestry)
Emergency Outdoor First Aid (1-day)
Forest Schools First Aid (2-day)
Emergency Sports first aid (1-day)
Emergency Paediatric first aid (1-day)
Full Paediatric first aid (2-day practical)
Full Paediatric First Aid (Blended Learning)
Venue information
Please click your course venue to start your download. The venue name will be included in your booking confirmation. You can also find your course venue on the Course Dates page »
Directions to The Hired Lad, Penrith
Directions for Watermillock Village Hall
Directions to Eden Rock, Carlisle